#Fgtech v54 manual how to
How to use FGTech Galletto 2-Master EOBD2?
#Fgtech v54 manual install
Your computer system is not compatible with this software, change another computer to install the software will be OK. This problem is caused by your computer system. Solution: If you meet this problem, please change another computer to install. I can see the fgtech on my computer, how to solve this? When i install the software, it will not move for one step, this is the photo. Our software does not has virus, please be sure to disable/uninstall anti-virus software when you install our software. Faced this situation, you can download our usb fix tool on to fix your software. It is because the software is destroyed by the anti-virus software on your conputer. If you can not open software after use this product on several cars. What will you do if you can not open your software? Any problem, please feel free to contact us.)

If your computer system is win8, you can try to use this driver on your computer. Now i share this driver with more customers. įGTech Galletto "USB fix tool" software: įGTech Galletto Win8 driver free download: (This win 8 driver is produced by one of our customer. This article includes FGTech Galletto 2-Master user guide and BDM function user instruction, and the solution for BDM function can not use.įGTech Galletto 2-Master EOBD2 Software. Here you can free download Vehicle List for FGTech Galletto 2-Master.